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Skin blushing/flushing
Definition A sudden reddening of the face, neck and occasionally, upper chest.
Alternative Names Blushing; Flushing; Red face
Considerations Blushing is a normal response when embarrassed, angry, feeling guilty, or experiencing some other strong emotion. Flushing of the face may also be associated with certain medical conditions.
Common Causes
  • extremes of emotion
  • rapid changes in temperature
  • hot or spicy foods
  • rosacea
  • high
  • fever
  • alcohol abuse
  • or alcohol intolerance
  • medications such as Diabinese (for diabetics) and
  • niacin (for lowering cholesterol -- sometimes contained in high-potency vitamins )
  • menopause
  • ("hot flush" -- due to a drop in estrogen levels)
  • carcinoid syndrome
  • Home Care Eliminate any triggers that you can identify. Try to avoid hot drinks, spicy food, extremes of temperature, and bright sunlight.
    Call your health care provider if
  • there is continual and persistent flushing
  • other symptoms, such as diarrhea, are present
  • What to expect at your health care provider's office The medical history will be obtained and a physical examination performed. Medical history questions documenting your skin blushing/flushing in detail may include:
  • location
  • Do you have facial flushing (blushing)?
  • Does it affect the whole body?
  • quality
  • Are you having hot flushes?
  • time pattern
  • Do you have flushing attacks?
  • How often do you have flushing or blushing?
  • Are episodes getting worse?
  • Are they getting more frequent?
  • aggravating factors
  • Is it worse after alcohol intake?
  • other
  • What other symptoms are also present?
  • Is there
  • diarrhea ?
  • Is there
  • wheezing ?
  • Are there
  • hives ?
  • Is there
  • difficulty breathing ?

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