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Hernia repair
Definition Surgical repair of an abnormal bulging of internal organs, often the intestine, through a weakness in a muscular wall ( hernia ).
Alternative Names Herniorrhaphy
Description A hernia can develop in the abdominal wall around a previous incision (incisional or ventral hernia), in the groin ( inguinal hernia or femoral hernia ), in the middle of the abdomen (epigastric), in the muscle (diaphragm) between the abdomen and chest, or around the esophagus ( hiatal hernia ). Hernias in children are rarely caused by an injury or tearing of tissue and are usually the result of incomplete closure in the groin (inguinal hernia) or around the umbilicus ( umbilical hernia ). Inguinal hernias account for the majority of all hernias and are more common in men than women-- about 25% of men but only 2% of women will develop an inguinal hernia in their lifetime. There are two types of inguinal hernias: a direct hernia occurs when the intestine passes through the muscle layers of the abdominal wall into the groin. An indirect hernia occurs when the intestine passes through the groin and descends into the scrotum . Tissue such as intestine can become trapped in the hernia. When blood flow is restricted, it is called a strangulated hernia.  If blood flow is restricted or the intestine is blocked, emergency surgery is necessary. The patient will be either:
  • Sedated (drowsy) and pain-free with a local anesthesia or spinal anesthesia, or
  • Deep asleep and pain-free with general anesthesia
  • An incision is made over the hernia. The bulging tissue or organ is replaced inside the muscle wall, the muscle tissue is repaired, and the skin is closed. In many inguinal hernia repairs, a small piece of plastic mesh is used to repair the defect in the muscle tissue.
    Indications Hernia repair may be recommended for:
  • Large bulges through a small hole (where restricted blood flow or a blocked intestine is more likely)
  • Painful
  • hernia Most hernias should be repaired to prevent the possible complications of restricted blood flow or blocked intestine.
    Risks Risks for any anesthesia are:
  • Reactions to medications
  • Problems breathing
  • Risks for any surgery are:
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Expectations after surgery Most hernias can be repaired with a simple operation with minimal risks to the patient. Pain and swelling are relieved, and the risk of a strangulated hernia is eliminated.
  • Small children have no restrictions following routine hernia repair.
  • Older children should avoid contact sports for at least 3 weeks -- a blow to the incision could burst the skin closure, or less commonly, disrupt the repair.
  • Adults should avoid heavy lifting or straining for several weeks after surgery. Such activity can disrupt the hernia repair.
  • Avoid bathing for at least 5 days after the operation, because soaking will separate the skin tapes and the
  • wound could break open. Sponge bathing for infants and showering for older children are permitted the day after surgery. The wound tapes should be carefully patted dry after showering.
  • Expect complete recovery from surgery in about 2 to 4 weeks.

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