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Health Encylopedia

Definition Poisoning from an ingestion of candle wax.
Alternative Names 
Poisonous Ingredient
  • Wax
  • Where Found
  • Various candles
  • Symptoms Gastrointestinal
  • May cause
  • intestinal obstruction if consumed in large quantities
    Home Treatment Call Poison Control for further guidance.
    Before Calling Emergency Determine the following information:
  • The patient's age, weight, and condition
  • The name of the product (ingredients and strengths, if known)
  • The time it was swallowed
  • The amount swallowed
  • Poison Control, or a local emergency number They will instruct you if it is necessary to take the patient to the hospital. See Poison Control centers for telephone numbers and addresses.
    What to expect at the emergency room Some or all of the following procedures may be performed:
  • Treat the symptoms.
  • Expectations (prognosis) Recovery is very likely.

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